16-Visit of Jhelum Royal Lions Club, Jhelum at MMBT Hospital 30-08-2021
On 30 August 2021, Jhelum Lions Club, Jhelum visited Mian Muhammad Bukhsh (MMBT) Hospital. The team was comprised of Dr. Masood Ghani, District Governor, Mr Arshad Mehmood, IPDG and Mr. Ishaq Dar, PDG along with 17 members. Mr. Umer Mushtaq Bargatt welcomed the team. Team visited hospital and appreciated the efforts put on to serve the humanity particularly the deserving patients. After the visit, the documentary of MMBT was played to apprise the participants about the background and the facilities at MMBT Hospital. The member of Lions Club appreciated the management and the services of the hospital. Tree plantation activity was also carried out by the members of Lions Club.