23-Awareness Seminar on Breast Cancer 14-10-2021
Today, a Walk and Awareness Seminar on Breast Cancer was organised in Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital, Dhanyala, Jhelum. Prof. Surgeon Dr. Muhammad Abdul Karim, Medical Superintendent, Dr. Shahzana Imtiaz, Senior Consultant Gynaecologist, Dr. Arfan Khan, Dr. Ayesha Rauf and Dr. Chand Sultana Medical Officers participated in the seminar. After Recitation of Holy Quran and Naat, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Karim and Dr. Shahzana Imtitaz highlighted causes, symptoms and precautionary measures about the breast cancer among the women. Dr. Arfa Khan briefed the audience on awareness of breast cancer though pictorial charts. The teachers and students from Girls High School along with a huge number of women of community participated in the walk and seminar. The participants appreciated such efforts of MMBT on imparting useful awareness and information to educate the community about the prevention from diseases form time to time.