27-COVID-19 Vaccination, MMBT Hospital 28-10-2021 13Nov, 2021
27-COVID-19 Vaccination, MMBT Hospital 28-10-2021

On 28 October, 2021, COVID-19 Vaccination Camp was organised by Basic Health Unit (BHU), Chak Ltief Ullah, Tehisil Dina, District Jhelum at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital Dhanyala.Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum from 10 am to 5 pm. Total 109 males/females were vaccinated in the camp.


Sr. No.  People  Vaccinated

1              Male      24

2              Female 85

                Total      109

13Nov, 2021
26-Free Medical Camp at Chak Qazi dated 26-10-2021

On 26 October 2021, from 9 am to 1 pm, a free camp was organised by Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital at village Chak Qazi, Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum in order to provide free medical checkup and medicines to the patients at their door steps. Dr. Gulzar Hussain and Dr Ayesha Rauf, Medical Officers, MMBT Hospital provided free medical checkup and medicines to 140 patients.


Sr. No.  Doctor  Patients Checked

1              Dr. Gulzar Hussain           42

2              Dr. Ayesha Rauf                98

                Total      140

13Nov, 2021
25-COVID-19 Vaccination, MMBT Hospital 14-08-2021

On 14 October, 2021, COVID-19 Vaccination Camp was organised by Basic Health Unit (BHU), Chak Ltief Ullah, Tehisil Dina, District Jhelum at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital Dhanyala.Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum from 10 am to 5 pm. Total 253 males/females were vaccinated in the camp.


Sr. No.  People  Vaccinated

1              Male      62

2              Female 191

                Total      253

13Nov, 2021
23-Awareness Seminar on Breast Cancer 14-10-2021

Today, a Walk and Awareness Seminar on Breast Cancer was organised in Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital, Dhanyala, Jhelum. Prof. Surgeon Dr. Muhammad Abdul Karim, Medical Superintendent, Dr. Shahzana Imtiaz, Senior Consultant Gynaecologist, Dr. Arfan Khan, Dr. Ayesha Rauf and Dr. Chand Sultana Medical Officers participated in the seminar. After Recitation of Holy Quran and Naat, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Karim and Dr. Shahzana Imtitaz highlighted causes, symptoms and precautionary measures about the breast cancer among the women. Dr. Arfa Khan briefed the audience on awareness of breast cancer though pictorial charts. The teachers and students from Girls High School along with a huge number of women of community participated in the walk and seminar. The participants appreciated such efforts of MMBT on imparting useful awareness and information to educate the community about the prevention from diseases form time to time.

22-Visit of Lions Club International 05-10-2021

On 5th October, 2021, Jhelum Royal Lions Club, Jhelum visited Mian Muhammad Bukhsh (MMBT) Hospital. The team was comprised of Dr. Masood Ghani, District Governor, Mr Arshad Mehmood, IPDG and Mr. Ishaq Dar, PDG along with 17 members. Mr. Umer Mushtaq Bargatt welcomed the team. Team visited hospital and appreciated the efforts put on to serve the humanity particularly the deserving patients. Afte the visit, the documentary of MMBT was played to apprise the participants about the background and the facilities at MMBT Hospital. The member of Lions Club appreciated the management and the services of the hospital. Tree plantation activity was also carried out by the members of Lions Club.

20-Free Medical Camp at Chak Dariya dated 29-09-2021

On 29 September 2021, from 9 am to 1 pm, a free camp was organised by Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital at village Chak Dariya, Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum in order to provide free medical checkup and medicines to the patients at their door steps. Dr. Bilal Rasheed and Dr Ayesha Rauf, Medical Officers, MMBT Hospital provided free medical checkup and medicines to 142 patients.


Sr. No.  Doctor  Patients Checked

1              Dr. Bilal Rasheed              50

2              Dr. Ayesha Rauf                92

                Total      142

13Nov, 2021
18-Free Medical Camp, Kaluwal 15-09-2021

On 15 September 2021, from 9 am to 1 pm, a free camp was organised by Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital at Kaluwal, Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum in order to provide free medical checkup and medicines to the patients at their door steps. Dr. Bilal Rasheed and Dr Ayesha Rauf, Medical Officers, MMBT Hospital provided free medical checkup and medicines to 99 patients.


Sr. No.  Doctor  Patients Checked

1              Dr. Bilal Rasheed              49

2              Dr. Ayesha Rauf                50

                Total      99

17-Free Surgical Camp for Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate – Follow up 08-09-2021

Free Medical Camp for children with Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate Was organised at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital, Dhanyala, Jhelum by CLAPP Trust Pakistan from 26-08-2021 to 28-08-2021. Now, today, team again came for follow up of operated patients and checked the patients from 08:00 am to 02:00 pm.  62 patients have been check by Dr. Muhammad Azam, Speech Theropiat along with his team.

16-Visit of Jhelum Royal Lions Club, Jhelum at MMBT Hospital 30-08-2021

On 30 August 2021, Jhelum Lions Club, Jhelum visited Mian Muhammad Bukhsh (MMBT) Hospital. The team was comprised of Dr. Masood Ghani, District Governor, Mr Arshad Mehmood, IPDG and Mr. Ishaq Dar, PDG along with 17 members. Mr. Umer Mushtaq Bargatt welcomed the team. Team visited hospital and appreciated the efforts put on to serve the humanity particularly the deserving patients. After the visit, the documentary of MMBT was played to apprise the participants about the background and the facilities at MMBT Hospital. The member of Lions Club appreciated the management and the services of the hospital. Tree plantation activity was also carried out by the members of Lions Club.

15-Free Surgical Camp for Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate 26-08-2021 to 30-08-2021

A Free Medical Camp for children with Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate has been organised at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital, Dhanyala, Jhelum by CLAPP Trust Pakistan from 26-08-2021 to 30-08-2021 in association with Cleft-Children International CCI, Switzerland. Prof. Dr. Ghulam Qadir Fayyaz, MBBS, DSS, MS, General Secretary, CLAPP Trust Pakistan along with his team comprising of 45-50 members including 7 Surgeons, 4 Consultant Anaesthetist, 3 Medical Officers and paramedical & admin staff will perform the surgeries of children with cleft lip & palate with post-operative care at MMBT Hospital. The medical HR has been managed by organiser and the administrative & facilities such as wards, doctor rooms and operation theaters have been provided by the MMBT Hospital. Special arrangements have also been made for accommodating the attendants of patients within the hospital.

Dr. Abdul Karim, Consultant Surgeon, Dr Shahzana Imtiaz, Consultant Gynaecologist and Dr. Ayesha Rauf, Medical Officer from MMBT Hospital gave a warm welcome to the medical team from CLAPP Trust. Dr. Waseem Iqbal, CEO DHA, Jhelum and Dr. Mian Mazhar Hayat, DDHO DHA, Jhelum also participated in the event and commended the such efforts put on to organise these camps for deserving patients. They appraised the efforts of MMBT Hospital in providing quality medical services to the patients of remote area and particularly free services to the deserving patients. Prof. Dr. Ghulam Qadir Fayyaz, Secretary CLAPP Trust, informed the participants and parents that such treatment is very costly and we are striving to serve the deserving patients free of cost by organising such free surgical camps at different places of Pakistan.

Day        Date      No. of Surgeries

1              26-08-2021          36

2              27-08-2021          59

3              28-08-2021          56

                Total      151

Progress: Day 1 (26-08-2021)

Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ghulam Qadir Fayyaz, 40 surgeries for Cleft Lip & Palate have been performed in the free surgical camp at MMBT Hospital, Dhanyala, Jhelum so far. The operated patients have been hospitalized for post-operative care for one day and are expected to be discharged by tomorrow.

کلفٹ ہونٹ اور کلیفٹ پیلیٹ کے لیے مفت سرجیکل کیمپ 26-08-2021 تا 30-08-2021

CLEPP ٹرسٹ پاکستان کی طرف سے 26-08-2021 سے 30-08-2021 تک میاں محمد بخش ٹرسٹ (MMBT) ہسپتال ، دھنیالہ ، جہلم میں بچوں کے لیے فری میڈیکل کیمپ کا اہتمام کیا گیا ہے۔ بین الاقوامی CCI ، سوئٹزرلینڈ پروفیسر ڈاکٹر غلام قادر فیاض ، ایم بی بی ایس ، ڈی ایس ایس ، ایم ایس ، جنرل سیکرٹری ، سی ایل اے پی پی ٹرسٹ پاکستان اپنی ٹیم کے ساتھ 45-50 ممبران پر مشتمل ہیں جن میں 7 سرجن ، 4 کنسلٹنٹ اینستھیسٹسٹ ، 3 میڈیکل آفیسر اور پیرا میڈیکل اینڈ ایڈمن سٹاف سرجری کریں گے۔ پھٹے ہونٹ اور تالو والے بچوں کا MMBT ہسپتال میں پوسٹ آپریٹو کیئر کے ساتھ۔ میڈیکل ایچ آر کا انتظام آرگنائزر کرتا ہے اور انتظامی اور سہولیات جیسے وارڈ ، ڈاکٹر روم اور آپریشن تھیٹر ایم ایم بی ٹی ہسپتال فراہم کرتا ہے۔ ہسپتال کے اندر مریضوں کے حاضرین کے لیے خصوصی انتظامات بھی کیے گئے ہیں۔

ڈاکٹر عبدالکریم ، کنسلٹنٹ سرجن ، ڈاکٹر شہزانہ امتیاز ، کنسلٹنٹ گائناکالوجسٹ اور ڈاکٹر عائشہ رؤف ، ایم ایم بی ٹی ہسپتال کی میڈیکل آفیسر نے CLAPP ٹرسٹ کی طرف سے میڈیکل ٹیم کا پرتپاک استقبال کیا۔ ڈاکٹر وسیم اقبال ، سی ای او ڈی ایچ اے ، جہلم اور ڈاکٹر میاں مظہر حیات ، ڈی ڈی ایچ او ، جہلم نے بھی تقریب میں شرکت کی اور مستحق مریضوں کے لیے ان کیمپوں کے انعقاد کے لیے کی جانے والی کوششوں کو سراہا۔ انہوں نے دور دراز کے مریضوں کو معیاری طبی خدمات اور خاص طور پر مستحق مریضوں کو مفت خدمات فراہم کرنے میں ایم ایم بی ٹی ہسپتال کی کاوشوں کو سراہا۔ پروفیسر ڈاکٹر غلام قادر فیاض ، سیکرٹری CLAPP ٹرسٹ نے شرکاء اور والدین کو آگاہ کیا کہ اس طرح کا علاج بہت مہنگا ہے اور ہم پاکستان کے مختلف مقامات پر اس طرح کے مفت سرجیکل کیمپس کا انعقاد کرکے مستحق مریضوں کی مفت خدمت کرنے کی کوشش کر رہے ہیں۔

ترقی: دن 1 (26-08-2021)

پروفیسر ڈاکٹر غلام قادر فیاض کی نگرانی میں ، ایم ایم بی ٹی ہسپتال ، دھنیالہ ، جہلم میں فری سرجیکل کیمپ میں اب تک کلیفٹ لپ اینڈ پیلیٹ کی 40 سرجریز کی جا چکی ہیں۔ آپریشن کیے گئے مریضوں کو ایک دن کے بعد پوسٹ آپریٹو کیئر کے لیے اسپتال میں داخل کیا گیا ہے اور توقع ہے کہ کل تک انھیں ڈسچارج کردیا جائے گا۔

14-COVID19 Vaccination, MMBT Hospital 14-08-2021

COVID-19 Vaccination Camp was organised by Basic Health Unit (BHU), Chak Ltief Ullah, Tehisil Dina, District Jhelum at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital Dhanyala.Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum from 9 am to 4 pm. Total 105 males/females were vaccinated in the camp.


Sr. No.  People  Vaccinated

1              Male      37

2              Female 68

                Total      105

13-COVID19 Vaccination, MMBT Hospital 14-08-2021

COVID-19 Vaccination Camp was organised by Basic Health Unit (BHU), Chak Ltief Ullah, Tehisil Dina, District Jhelum at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital Dhanyala.Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum from 9 am to 4 pm. Total 61 males/females were vaccinated in the camp.

12-TB Screening Camp 12-08-2021

Today, on 12th August, 2021, a Free Medical Camp for TB Screening was organised by Association for Social Development (ASD) in coordination with Provincial TB Control Program me (PTP), Punjab at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Hospital, Dhanyala, Jhelum. Dr. Abdil Bashir, Radiologist along with his team participated in the screening camp. There were 45 (19 M 26 F) X-Ray diagnosis performed out of which 2 patients were found suspect of TB.

11-COVID19 Vaccination, MMBT Hospital 09-08-2021

COVID-19 Vaccination Camp was organised by Basic Health Unit (BHU), Chak Ltief Ullah, Tehisil Dina, District Jhelum at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital Dhanyala.Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum from 9 am to 4 pm. Total 282 males/females were vaccinated in the camp.

10-Seminar & Medical Camp on Family Planning 08-07-2021

On 8th July 2021, from 1000 hours to 1400 hours, a seminar on Sensitization on Women Rights was organized by Population Welfare Department, District Jhelum under the supervision of Dr. Shahzana Imtiaz, Consultant Gynaecologist at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Hospital, Dhanyala, Jhelum. She highlighted the importance of family planning and also motivated female participants. A firm commitment to strong family planning and reproductive health in Pakistan could not only improve the health of the people, but contribute to a wide range of transformational development opportunities, including reduction of poverty; promotion of gender equality. A Free Medical Camp on Family Planning was also organized after the seminar. Mrs. Tahmeena, Health Supervisor, checked the female patients and provided necessary medicines.

09-Free Medical Camp for Bone Mineral Density (BMD) 08-07-2021

On 8 July 2021, from 1000 hours to 1400 hours, a free camp to check the calcium in bones (Bones Mineral Density) though ultrasound was organized by Cell Laboratories Private Limited under the supervision of Dr. Shahzana Imtiaz, Consultant Gynecologist at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Hospital, Dhanyala, Jhelum. A team from Cell Laboratories private limited participated the camp and performed BMD Test of 69 patients free of cost. Dr. Shahzana Imtiaz, Gynecologist, Dr Abdul Kareem, Surgeon and Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Junaid, Assiatnat Field Manager, Cell Laboratories Private Limited highlighted the importance of bone calcium. Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Junaid also highlighted that BMD tests are costly but performed free of cost at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust Hospital, Dhanyala, Jhelum.

08-COVID19 Vaccination, MMBT Hospital 08-06-2021 to 15-06-2021

District Jhelum Authority, District Jhelum established Mass Centre for COVID-19 Vaccination at at Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital Dhanyala, Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum. The vaccination process continued from 08-06-2016 to 15-06-2021 and 410 people got vaccinated.


Sr. No.  Date      People Vaccinated

1              08-06-2021          38

2              10-06-2021          72

3              11-06-2021          56

4              12-06-2021          102

5              14-06-2021          104

6              15-06-2021          38

                Total      410

7-Free Medical Camp, Ara/Khurd 01-06-2021

On 1 June 2021, from 9 am to 1 pm, a free camp was organised by Mian Muhammad Bukhsh Trust (MMBT) Hospital at village Ara/Budhar, Tehsil Dina, District Jhelum in order to provide free medical checkup and medicines to the patients at their door steps. Dr. Uzma Mazhar and Dr. Jamshed Khan, Medical Officers, MMBT Hospital provided free medical checkup and medicines to 173 patients.


Sr. No.  Doctor  Patients Checked

1              Dr. Uzma Mazhar             113

2              Dr. Jamshed Khan            60

                Total      173


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